Buy Shaft, SS, 1.500 In D, 6.00 In
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All in all, we are actually suggest Shaft, SS, 1.500 In D, 6.00 In fou you. This shopping online sellers supply the best and save expense value which included super save shipping (in U.S.A. only). Reading opinions gives you having a a whole lot of fuller information from the cons and pros in the Shaft, SS, 1.500 In D, 6.00 In.
Stainless Steel Shaft, Shaft Dia 1.500 In, Dia Tolerance Min 1.4997 In, Dia Tolerance Max 1.499 In, Mounting End Dia 1.500 In, Thread Size 5/8-11, Thread Length 1.250 In., Length 6.00 In, Travel Length 6.00 In., Stainless Steel Material, Minimum Surface Hardness 56 HRC Threaded-End and Drilled-and-Tapped-End Linear ShaftingDrilled and tapped shafts and external threaded shafts are made for immediate use with no additional machining required. Standard tapped sizes and tapped depths make this product a drop-in functional component for all machinery designs.Min. surface hardness for steel: 60 HRC Min. surface hardness for stainless steel: 56 HRC
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